This is a call to ACTION!
Rise to the Challenge!
Be Part of the Solution!
Join us today!
CHA is fighting for real economic recovery from the bottom up. Our battle against the rising poverty rate and lack of living wages in our communities is consistent with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all 193 nations of the United Nations – including the US – in September 2015. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call upon all nations to prioritize the elimination of poverty – “in all its forms everywhere”, hunger and 15 other development goals that must be addressed if we are to have a sustainable future – to preserve both humanity and the planet. But we can’t do it alone.
YOU can play an active role in changing the future course of history, by joining those of us who have the least, and building organization that will help all of us ensure that our needs are being met.
YOU can choose organizing as a profession. Volunteers are urgently needed to do the hard work of uniting all members of our working communities regardless of race, gender, age, and background to meet the challenges that increasing poverty in our nation has placed upon all of us! Join us on a membership canvass, for a Benefit Session aiding members with utility advocacy and advocacy for adequate hours of in-home care, or on a membership food distribution.
Call (707) 591-9573 today to learn how YOU can make a difference.